Expanding Our Circles
Holy Cross talks POLITICS
need more dialogues than debates. Ethan Bachand (’20) of the SPIRE emphasized
the need for more dialogue as he warned about how debates and seeing persons in
constant opposition can cause a lot of harm. Ethan was making this point during
a gathering of student leaders – in an event dubbed “Politics: Seeing Across
the Aisle” - last February 20. Organized
by OME’s Multicultural Peer Educators (MPEs) and the Chaplaincy’s Student
Program for Urban Development (SPUD) volunteers, the affair brought in students
to talk about their impressions of American politics. The event employed the “expanding our circles”
approach which aims to promote learning and understanding outside persons’
usual comfort zones. In conversations,
Ethan expressed, we will need to remember the humanity of persons. Taking out the component of “persons” in any
dialogue, he says, is dangerous.
Seeing Across the Aisle,” was facilitated by Francis Lubega (’20), Moriah
Taylor (’20), Luna Alexis (’21), Jenny Feraud (’21), Syl Dwyer (’21), Catherine
Brennan (’20) together with Marty Kelly of the Chaplaincy Office and Fr. Frank
Savadera, SJ of OME.
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